Compilation of different excerpts from films produced for the Senate and the House of Representatives. Knowledge of the democratic process remains important and some films were especially made for a younger generation.
The assembly hall has a beautiful 17th century ceiling. The panels are painted in trompe-l’oeil style and depict various nations Holland traded with in the 17th century. They look down with curiosity. The panel in the middle portrays the Children of the State. We have added a few contemporary figures.
Scene from the film: the panel in the centre of the ceiling represents the future, children who look down at their fathers - the rulers of the country - as they hold a meeting. The idea behind this is that the general public may listen to what is being discussed. An early form of transparency, albeit symbolic.
The map of Brussels as a metaphor for different interpretations on EU regulations
IT IS A FACT: every newspaper, television programme or magazine has its own fact check editor nowadays. Our little animated fact checker was born long before this trend. In fact it was a proposal for the EU to use as a campaign icon to fight Euro myths – from custard creams to condoms. Read this Guardian article about these myths.
For example 'banning prawn cocktail crisps' is a subject that has kept Boris Johnson busy for about 15 years. In 2002 he wrote that some of his “most joyous hours” had been spent composing “foam-flecked hymns of hate to the latest Euro-infamy”. Unfortunately the EU didn't go along with our proposal to introduce our campaign icon.